A unified voice for the ore-based metallics industry


Advanced Metal Industries Cluster Co (AMIC_

Address: Sari St., Ar Rabwah Dist., P.O.Box 13586,Jeddah 21414, Saudi Arabia
Main contact: Ali Gumgumji
Phone: +966 531410049
Website: www.Tasnee.com

Antara Steel Mills Sdn. Bhd.

Address: Ranca-Ranca Industrial EstateTown, PO Box 8155, Labuan, Malaysia.
Main contact: Dominic Lu
Telephone: +60 87 593920
Email: admin@antarahbi.com
Website: www.lion.com.my

ArcelorMittal Kryviy Rih

Address: 20, Velyka Zhytomyrska str., Business-center “Panorama” 01001, Kyiv, Ukraine
Main contact: Vera Muza
Telephone: +38 044 321 03 21
Website: www.ukraine.arcelormittal.com

AVG Siderurgia

Address: Rua Ministro Orozimbo Nonato, 102 -Torre, CEP: 34000-000, Nova Lima / MG, Brazil
Main contact: Silvio Moreira
Telephone: +39 031 871 514
Website: www.avg.com.br

CBF Indústria e Gusa S/A

Address: Avenida Afondo Pena no. 4.100 - 10 andar, Bairro Cruxeiro, Belo Horizonte/MG, CEP 30130-009, Brazil
Main Contact: Silvia Nascimento
Telephone: +55 31 3228 2500
Website: grupoferroeste.com

Cosimat Siderúrgica de Matozinhos Ltda

Address: Av. André Favalelli, 986 Estação, Matozinhos, Minas Gerais, Brasil – CEP: 35.720-000
Main contact: Urbano Ferraz
Telephone: +55 31 37127002
Email: cosimat@cosimat.com.br
Website: www.cosimat.com.br

Eramet Titanium & Iron AS

Address: Naustbakke 1, 5770 Tyssedal, Norway
Main contact: Jean Toulorge
Email: salespigiron@eramet.com
Telephone: +33 (0)1 45 38 38 00
Website: www.eramet.com/en/eramet-titanium-iron-pioneer-metallurgy-norway

Gelf Siderurgia S/A

Address: Rodovia BR 040 km 465 – Bairro Barreiro – Sete Lagoas, Minas Gerais, Brazil – CEP: 35.701-970
Main contact: Evandro Moura
Telephone: +55 31 3779 4209
Email: contato@gelfsid.com.br
Website: http://www.gelfsid.com.br

Industrial Metallurgical Holding

Address: 2nd Verhny Mihailovsky Proezd 9, 3rd Flr., Moscow, 117419
Telephone: +7 495 725 56 80 (ext.156)
Website: www.metholding.ru/en/

Membership frozen until further notice


Address: Rua Paraiba - Conj. 1501, CEP 30130-143 Belo Horizonte, MG, Brazil
Main contact: Maristela Assis
Telephone: +55 31 3281 59 49
Website: www.ironminas.com.br


Address: Rua Cel. João Notini 993, Divinópolis, MG, Brazil - ZIP Code: 35.500-017
Main contacts: João Paulo Fragoso / Breno Faria
Telephone: +55 37 3222-5670
Website: www.kentron.com.br

Metinvest Holding, LLC

Address: 116-A, Nakhimova av., Mariupol 87534 Ukraine
Main contact: Elena Dimitrova
Telephone: +38 062 385 70 86
Email: metinvest@metinvestholding.com
Website: www.metinvestholding.com

Minas Metais Exportadora S/A

Address: Rua: Fernandes Tourinho, 147 - Salas 701/2, Funcionários - Belo Horizonte/MG - Brasil, CEP.: 30.112-000
Contact: Sandoval de Castro Silva
Telephone: +55 (31) 3281-5855

Email: mmetais@mmetais.com.br
Website: www.mmetais.com.br

NLMK Trading SA

Address: Riva Paradiso 2, 6902 Paradiso, Switzerland
Main contact: Pavel Rudenya, Fedir Dermentli
Telephone: +41 91 885 30 40
Website: www.nlmk.com

Membership frozen until further notice

Nu Iron Unlimited

Address: Caribbean Drive, Pt. Lisas Industrial Estate, Pt. Lisas, Trinidad & Tobago
Main contact: Nigel Noel
Telephone: +1 868-636-1944 / +1 704-943-9789
Website: www.nucor.com

Rio Tinto

Address: 200 E. Randolph Street, Suite 7100, Chicago, IL 60601, USA
Main contact: Yujiao Zou
Telephone: +1 773 270 6500
Website: www.riotinto.com

Tronox Mineral Sands

Address: Roger Dyson Road, Pretoria West, 0183 Pretoria, Gautenga, South Africa
Main contact: Rehan Kirsten
Telephone: +27 12 307 4292
Website: www.tronox.com
Contact: Website/Contact Us


Address: Av. Bias Fortes, 382, 15o andar, Belo Horizonte – MG – CEP 30170-010
Main contacts: Paulo Roberto Martins Viana
Telephone: +55 31 3261-5777
Website: www.vetorial.ind.br

Viena Siderúrgica SA

Address: Rua Tomé de Souza 649, Bairro Funcionários, Belo Horizonte/MG – Brasil
Main contact: João Kaukal Valladares
Telephone: +55 31 21219101
Website: www.vienairon.com.br

Alfa Commodities Ltd

Address: Alfa Commodities Ltd, 13-14 Cork Street, London, W1S 3NS, UK
Main contact: Peter Allan
Telephone: +44 207 403 4908
Website: www.alfacommodities.com/

Alpha MET AG

Address: Aeschenvorstadt 55, CH-4051 Basel
Main contact: Ralph Behet
Telephone: +41 79 540 66 07
Email: info@alpha-met.ch
Website: www.alpha-met.ch

AMCI Marketing & Trading Pte. Ltd

Address: Seestrasse 17, ZH-6300 Zug, Switzerland
Main contact: Stephan Herzig
Telephone: +41 41 768 42 42

Aveks AS

Address: Eskiyapanlar Plaza 6, Mehmet Ongul Sk. 1/1, 34742 Kozyatagi/Istanbul, Turkey
Main contact: Vecdi Yildiz
Telephone: +90 216 410 0060
Email: trade@aveks.com
Website: www.aveks.com

Burdin Triano S.L.

Address: Gran Vía 81 3º Dpto. 48011 Bilbao, Bizkaia – Spain
Main contact: Txema Gazpio
Phone: +34 609 408730
Email: triano@burdintriano.com

Carbones Holding GmbH

Address: Austria, 1040 Vienna, Mattiellistraße 2-4
Main contact: Jurriaan Hovis
Telephone: +43 1 52350100
Website: www.carbones.at

Cargill International Trading Pte. Ltd.

Address: 138 Market Street #17-01, CapitaGreen, Singapore 048946
Main contact: Marcela Gotelip
Telephone: +33 613 997716
Website: Cargill's Metals Business | Cargill


Address: 450 Corporate Parkway, Suite 100, Amherst, NY 14226
Main contact: Jon Conta
Telephone: +716-446-8875
Email: sales@ccmallc.com
Website: www.ccmallc.com


Address: Ruselokkveien 14, 0251 Oslo, Norway
Main contact: Joel Morales
Telephone: +47 90 90 00 01
Email: https://ciclo.no/contact-us/
Website: https://www.ciclo.no

Comet Trading SA

Address: Rue de Rhone 100, 1204 Geneva, Switzerland
Main contact: Tom Elford
Telephone: +41 22 7321111
Email: info@comet-trading.com
Website: www.comet-trading.com

Consolidated Mill Supply

Address: 1530 E. Dundee Road, Suite 200, Palatine, IL 60074
Main contact: Mark Kaplan
Telephone: +1 847 908 6700
Website: www.consolidatedmillsupply.com


Diproinduca Canada Limited
Address: 9140 Leslie Street, Suite 404. Richmond Hill, Ontario - Canada
Main contact: Miguel Riera
Telephone: +1 905 709 6275
Email: info@diproinduca.com
Website: www.diproinduca.com

Diproinduca Europe S.L.
Address: Calle Pinar 7. Madrid, 28006. España
Main contact: Gerardo Ferreira
Telephone: +34 628 26 11 03
Email: info@diproinduca.com
Website: www.diproinduca.com

Duferco SA

Address: Via Bagutti, 9, 6900 Lugano, Switzerland
Main contact: Dmytro Lasikov
Telephone: +41 918 225892
Email: info@dith.com
Website: www.dith.com


Address: Via Per Rogeno, 23845 Costa Masnaga
Main contact: Fabrizio Serra
Telephone: +39 031 871 514
Website: www.eusider.com

Faith Metal

Address: No. 279, Yisin St., East Dist., Taichung City, 40149, Taiwan, R.O.C.
Main contacts: Dennis Chiu / Lily Hsu
Telephone: +886 4 22110923
Email: faith.metal@faith-metal.com
Website: www.faith-metal.com

Farmetal SA

Address: Via F. Pelli 13B, 6900 Lugano, Switzerland
Main contact: Roberto Paccagnin
Telephone: +41 91 910 47 90
Email: info@farmetal.com
Website: www.farmetal.com

Ferron Trading FZCO

Address: E301, 1 East, Dubai Airport Freezone, Dubai, United Arab Emirates
Main contact: Ivan Mitrofanov
Telephone: +971 54 727 96 54
Email: info@ferron.ae
Website: www.ferron.ae

Ferrus Sp. z o.o.

Address: Mszanska 33, 04-847 Warsaw
Main contact: Agata Grzybowska
Telephone: +48 22 512 04 13
Email: purchase@ferrus.pl
Website: www.ferrus.pl

Hargreaves Raw Material Services GmbH

Address: Böningerstr. 29, D-47051 Duisburg
Main contacts: Carsten Wilms
Telephone: +49 (0)203 417 924 34 / +49 (0)172 202 00 88
Email: info@hargreavesservices.de
Website: http://www.hargreavesservices.eu/

Hickman, Williams & Company

Address: 250 E 5th Street, Ste 300, Cincinnati, Ohio 45202-4198
Main Contact: Jeremy McLimans
Phone: +1 423-208-5468
Email: www.hicwilco.com/contact-us
Website: www.hicwilco.com

Hierros Servando Fernández S.L.

Address: 20600 Eibar (Spain)
Main contact: Aitor Fernandez
Telephone: +34 943 174759
Email: administracion@hservando.com
Website: www.hierros-servando.com

International Materials Inc.

Address: 327 Plaza Real, Suite 320, Boca Raton, FL.
Main contact: Joaquin Grillo
Telephone: 561 705 0350
Website: www.imius.com

ITOCHU Middle East

Address: 201 The Spectrum Building, Al Qutaeyat Road, Oud Metha, Dubai, U.A.E
Main contact: Hideki Kagei
Telephone: +971 508 659388
Website: https://www.itochu.co.jp/en/about/network/middle_e...

JAK Sp. z o.o.

Address: Trakt Lubelski 38 C, 04-870 Warszawa, Poland
Main contact: Janusz Jędrzejczyk
Telephone: +48 22 612 6815
Website: jakzoo.pl

Javelin Global Commodities Services Ltd

Address: 27 Eccleston Place, London, SW1W 9NF
Main contact: Mitch Robertson
Telephone: +0207 123 5900
Email: javelincommodities.com/contact
Website: javelincommodities.com

Koch Minerals & Trading, LLC

Address: 4111 E 37th St North, Wichita, KS 67220, USA
Main contact: Jackson Wilcox
Telephone: +1 (316) 247-9815
Email: metallics@kochind.com
Website: www.kochind.com/companies/koch-minerals-trading

Macsteel International Far East Limited

Address: Suites 1917-41, Sun Hung Kai Centre, 30 Harbour Road, Wanchai, Hong Kong
Main contact: Kash Vazirani
Telephone: +852 6388 4708
Email: mife-metallics@mitgr.com
Website: www.macsteelinternational.com/

Marmara Metal Mamulleri TIC.A.S

Address: Cumhuriyet Mah. 2253 Sok. Marmara Plaza No: 13, 41400 Gebze-Kocaeli, TURKEY
Main contact: Mr Huseyin
Telephone: +90 262 654 2323
Website: www.marmarametal.com
Email: marmara@marmarametal.com

Metall und Ferrolegierungs GmbH

Address: Rudolf-Diesel-Str. 9, D 40670 Meerbusch, Germany
Main contact: Thomas Hafner
Telephone: +49 2159 6963 0
Website: www.mfg-germany.com

Mitsui & Co., Ltd.

Address: 2-1, Otemachi 1-Chome, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 100-8631, Japan
Main Contact: Shuichiro Tsuchikawa
Telephone: +81-3-3285-1111
Email: tkiod@dg.mitsui.com
Website: https://www.mitsui.com/

National Material Trading

Address: 1965 Pratt Boulevard Elk Grove Village, IL 60007
Main contact: Tim Hogan
Telephone: +1 847-806-0990
Email: nmt@nmlp.com
Website: www.nationalmaterialtrading.com

Omni Industries B.V.

Address: Wijnhaven 3Q, 3011 WG, Rotterdam, The Netherlands
Main contact: Ellert Naautgeboren
Telephone: +31 10 205 3652
Email: info@omnibv.nl
Website: www.omniindustries.nl

Picart & Beer SA

Address: Avenue de Tervueren, 365-367, 1150 Brussels, Belgium
Main contact: Simon Beer
Telephone: +32 2 777 00 94
Email: info@picart-beer.eu
Website: www.picart-beer.com

Possehl Erzkontor GmbH & Co. KG

Address: Beckergrube 38-52, 23552 Lübeck, Germany
Main contact: Corinna Leptien
Telephone: +49 451 148 408
Email: info@erzkontor.com
Website: www.erzkontor.com

Primetrade Inc.

Address: 11301 Carmel Commons Blvd., Suite 115, Charlotte, NC 28226
Main Contact: Walter Stenger
Phone: +1 704 541-3942
Website: www.primetradeusa.com


Address: 28. rijna 41/3138, 702 00 Ostrava, Czech Republic
Main contact: Denisa Materova
Telephone: +420 602 733631
Website: www.prometgroup.eu

Richard Anton KG

Address: Wuermstrasse 55, D-82166 Graefelfing b. Munchen, Germany
Main contact: Klaus Wiesnet
Telephone: +49 89 898144 0
Email: info@richard-anton.de
Website: www.richard-anton.de

Ronly Ltd

Address: 3rd floor, 201 Haverstock Hill,London,NW3 4QG, UK
Main contact: David Dogan Mizrahi
Telephone: +44 20 7433 0400
Website: www.ronly.com

Scandinavian Steel AB

Address: Birger Jarlsgatan 15, SE-111 45 Stockholm, Sweden
Main contact: Peter Witz
Telephone: +46 8 6142850
Email: metals@scandinaviansteel.se
Website: www.scandinaviansteel.se

Sojitz Corporation of America

Address: 1120 Avenue of the Americas, New York, NY 10036, USA
Main contact: Vanessa Iturralde
Telephone: +1 212 704 6755
Website: www.sojitzamericas.com
Contact: Website/Contact Us

Steelberry s.r.o

Address: Šustekova 49, 851 04 Bratislava, Slovakia
Main contact: Martin Chudy
Telephone: +421 907 717758
Website: www.steelberry.sk

Stemcor London Limited

Address: 1 Ropemaker Street, City Point, London EC2Y 9ST, United Kingdom
Main contact: Jonathan Hall
Telephone: +44 20 7775 3600
Email: groupenquiries@stemcor.com
Website: www.stemcor.com/

The David J. Joseph Company

Address: 300 Pike Street, Cincinnati, OH 45202
Main Contact: Jim Stanton
Telephone: +1 843 790 6025
Website: www.DJJ.com
Contact: www.djj.com/contact-djj

TMS International

Address: 12 Monongahela Ave., Glassport, PA 15045 USA
Main contact: David Aronson
Telephone: 219-734-7135
Website: www.tmsinternational.com

Vequis Comércio, Importação e Exportação Ltda

Address: Rua Juca Cesário, n.140 - Room 50, 88.304-500, São João, City of Itajai, State of Santa Catarina, Brazil
Main contact: Louisse Mussato
Phone: +55 11 2424 6850/+55 41 996 512 912 / +55 11 918 520 327
Website: https://www.vequis.com.br/

VS Trading SA

Main contact: H. Behzat Ornek
Address: Rue Francois – Veronnnex 7, 1207, Geneva, Switzerland
Telephone: +41 022 544 2572
Email: info@vstrading.ch
Website: www.vstrading.ch

Xcoal Energy & Resources

Address: One Energy Place, Suite 9000, Latrobe, PA, 15650
Main contact: Ernie Thrasher
Telephone: +1 724-520-1630
Email: xcoal@xcoal.com
Website: www.xcoal.com

Anglo American PLC

Address: 20 Carlton House Terrace, London SW1Y 5AN
Main contact: Augusto Lessa
Telephone: +44 20 7968 8888
Website: www.angloamerican.com
Contact: Website/Contact Us

Aumund Fördertechnik GmbH

Address: Saalhofferstrasse 17, 47495 Rheinberg, Germany
Main contact: Frank Reddemann
Telephone: +49 2843 72-449
Website: www.aumund.com


Address: Kingsfordweg 151, 1043 GR Amsterdam, the Netherlands
Main contact: Renard Chaigneau
Telephone: +31 20 4919892
Website: www.baffinland.com

BHP Billiton Iron Ore

Address: 125 St Georges Tce, Perth WA 6000 Australia
Main contact: Tina Leung
Telephone: +61 8 6321 5370
Website: www.bhpbilliton.com

BlackRock Metals

Address: 1080, Côte du Beaver Hall, bureau 1606, Montréal (Québec) H2Z 1S8, Canada
Main contact: Sean Cleary
Telephone: +1 514 316-7281
Email: info@blackrockmetals.com
Website: www.blackrockmetals.com

Bluescope Recycling and Materials

Address: 7300 State Hwy, 109 Delta, Ohio 43515, USA
Main contact: Kevin Towne
Telephone: +1 567 287 6032
Email: info@bluescoperecycling.com
Website: www.bluescoperecycling.com

Champion Iron

Address: 1100 Rene-Levesque Ouest Suite 610 Montreal, Quebe, H3B 0G3, Canada
Main contact: Marta Ruivo Pedicelli
Telephone: +514 316 4858
Email: info@championironmines.com
Website: www.championiron.com

Colakoğlu Metalurji A.Ş.

Address: Rüzgarlıbahçe Mahallesi Kavak Sokak No:16 Kat:6, 34805 Kavacık – Beykoz, Istanbul, Turkey
Main contact: Mr. Ahmet Işık Kunt
Telephone: +90 216 681 26 00
Website: www.colakoglu.com.tr

CWP Global

Address: 9 Raffles Place, #26-01, Republic Plaza, Singapore, 048619
Main Contact: Bobby Pecotic
Website: https://cwp.global/

Daiichi Chuo Kisen Kaisha

Address: Mita Kokusai Building 25F, 4-28, Mita 1-chome, Minato-ku, Tokyo, Japan 108-0073
Main contact: Go Tanaka
Telephone: +81 3 6436 7260
Email: dcpga@mail.firstship.co.jp
Website: www.firstship.co.jp

Danieli & C. Officine Meccaniche S.p.A.

Address: Via Nazionale 41,33042 Buttrio (Udine) – Italy
Main Contact: Dario Pauluzzi
Telephone: Direct +39 0432 195 8316
Email: info.dcmt@danieli.com
Website: www.danieli.com www.energiron.com


Address: Deacero SA de CV
Main contact: Lauro Cobas
Telephone: 361 215 9176
Website: www.deacero.com


Address: 6400 Lookout Road, #200 Boulder, Colorado 80301
Main contact: Kathryn Lovell
Telephone: +1 650 387-4085
Email: info@electra.earth
Website: www.electra.earth

Elementus Minerals LLC

Address: 2400 East Commercial Boulevard, Suite 810, Fort Lauderdale, Florida, 33308, USA
Main contact: Chris Young
Telephone: +1 615 3479823
Website: https://www.elementusminerals.com/

Hybrit Development AB

Address: Box 70359 107 24 Stockholm, Sweden
Main Contact: Volker Schollmann
Telephone: +46 702 509 538
Email: info@hybritdevelopment.se
Website: www.hybritdevelopment.se

J&F Mineração

Address: Av. Marginal Direita do Tiete, 500, CEP 05118-100, São Paulo/SP – Brazil
Main Contact: Juliana Magalhães Barbosa
Phone: +55 31 99531-3382
Email: comercial.vendas@jfmin.com.br/commercial.sales@jfmin.com.br
Website: jfmin.com.br/en/

JFE Steel Corporation

Address: 2-2-3, Uchisaiwai-cho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 100-0011, Japan
Main contact: Tomoo Kobayashi
Telephone: +81-3-3597-3666
Website: www.jfe-steel.co.jp

Kaepos Raw Material Services e.K.

Address: Holbeinstrasse 40, 50226, Frechen, Germany
Main contact: Rolf Emunds
Telephone: +49 157 30 75 24 20
Website: www.kaepos.de

Kawasaki Kisen Kaisha Ltd

Kawasaki Kisen Kaisha Ltd
Main contact: Yohei Kojima
Address: Iino Building, 1-1 Uchisaiwaicho 2-Chome, Chiyoda-Ku, Tokyo, 100-8540, Japan
Telephone: +81 3 3595 5000
Email: kljtyobwht@jp.kline.com
Website: www.kline.co.jp

Kobe Steel Ltd.

Address: Iron Unit Division, 9-12 Kita Shinagawa 5-chome, Shinagawa-ku, Tokyo 141-8688 Japan
Main contact: Yasushi Yamada
Telephone: +81 3 5739 6635
Website: www.kobelco.co.jp

Marine Inspection, LLC

Address: 621 North Carrollton Avenue, New Orleans, Louisiana, LA 70119, USA
Main contact: Gilbert Wright
Telephone: +1 504 866-0014
Email: milpartners@marineinspection.com
Website: www.marineinspection.com

Marubeni Corporation

Address: 4-2, Ohtemachi 1-Chome, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo, 100-8088, Japan
Main contact: Naotake Tsubura
Telephone: +81-3-3282-2798
Email: Marubeni contact form
Website: www.marubeni.com

Maschinenfabrik Köppern GmbH & Co. KG

Address: Königsteiner Str. 2, 45529 Hattingen, Germany
Main contact: Christopher Schäfer, Stefan Bremer, Oliver Fischer
Telephone: +49 2324 207 312
Email: info@koeppern.de
Website: http://www.koeppern.com

Mercury Resources LLC

Address: 12161 Mercado Drive, Suite 206, Venice, Florida, 34293
Main contact: Anton Posner
Telephone: +516-909-7465
Email: contactus@mercuryresources.com
Website: www.mercuryresources.com

Midrex Technologies Inc.

Address: 3735 Glen Lake Drive, #400 Charlotte, NC 28208, USA
Main contact name: Lauren Lorraine
Telephone: +1 704 373-1600
Email: info@midrex.com
Website: www.midrex.com

Mitsubishi Corporation

Address: 3-1, Marunouchi 2-chome, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo, 100-8086, Japan
Main Contact: Seitaro Takarabe
Telephone: +81-3-3210-2121
Website: https://www.mitsubishicorp.com/jp/en/

MOL Europe Africa

Address: 3 Thomas More Square, London, E1W 1WY
Main contact: Almaher Shelley
Telephone: +44 203 7648000
Email: dry.london@molgroup.net
Website: www.mol.co.jp/en

Nippon Steel North America Inc

Address: 920 Memorial City Way, Suite 700, Houston, TX 77024
Main contact: Keita Ikeda
Telephone: +1-713-654-7111
Email: https://www.nipponsteel.com/
Website: info@us.nipponsteel.com

NYK Line (Nippon Yusen Kaisha)

Address: 3-2, Marunouchi 2-Chome, Chiyoda-Ku, Tokyo, 100-0005, Japan
Main contact: Mr Mitsutaka Imura
Telephone: +81 3 3284-5151
Email: Inquiries | NYK Line
Website: www.nyk.com/english

Oldendorff Carriers USA INC

Address: 1 Landmark Square 17th Floor Stamford, CT 06901-2603 USA
Main contact: Paul Jeffrey
Telephone: +12034877300
Website: www.oldendorff.com

Orinoco Surveying Group Inc

Address: 7913 SW 148th Ave, Miami, FL 33193
Main contact: Gudiker Jugo
Telephone: +1 561 9521407

Pangaea Logistics Solutions

Address: 109 Long Wharf, Newport RI 02840, USA
Main contact: Robert Seward
Telephone: +1 401 846 7790
Email: info@pangaeals.com
Website: www.pangaeals.com


Address: Petmin Limited, 37 Peter Place, Lyme Park, Bryanston 2021, South Africa
Main contact: Palmira Farinha
Telephone: +27837041904
Website: www.petmin.co.za

Primetals Technologies Austria GmbH

Address: Turmstrasse 44, 4031 Linz, Austria
Main contact: Christian Boehm
Telephone: +43 732 6592-5995
Website: www.primetals.com

Rio Tinto Iron Ore

Address: 6 St James’s Square, London, SW1Y 4AD, United Kingdom
Main contact: Michael Buckley
Telephone: +31 6 21242634
Website: www.riotinto.com

ROGESA Roheisengesellschaft Saar mbH

Address: Werkstraße 1, 66763 Dillingen, Germany
Main contact: Mr Frank Becker
Telephone: +49 (0) 6831 47 - 2320
Website: www.rogesa.de

Saint-Gobain PAM Canalisation

Company/Organisation: Saint-Gobain PAM Canalisation
Address: 21 ave Camille Cavallier, 54700 Pont-à-Mousson, France
Main contact: Neill McDonald
Phone: +33 03 83 80 67 89
Email: info.pam@saint-gobain.com
Website: www.pamline.com

Samarco Mineração S.A.

Address: Rua Paraíba 1122 - Ed Das Américas, Bairro Funcionários – Belo Horizonte, 9 andar, 30130-141, Brazil
Main contact: Rodrigo Franklin
Telephone: +55 31 3269-8888
Website: www.samarco.com

Steel Dynamics Inc Columbus

Address: 1945 Airport Road, PO BOX 1467, Columbus, MS 39703, USA
Main contact: Mr Sanjeev Badola
Telephone: 662-244-6744
Website: www.steeldynamics.com

Sumitomo Corporation

Address: Otemachi Place East Tower, 3-2 Otemachi 2-Chome, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 100-8601, Japan
Main contact: Mr. Terumasa Shiozawa
Telephone: +81-90-2632-5702
Email: ekbjz-org@sumitomocorp.com
Website: www.sumitomocorp.com

Sumitomo Heavy Industries Material Handling Systems Co. Ltd

Address: 18th Floor Osaki Garden Tower 1-1, Nishi Shinagawa 1-Chome, Shinagawa-Ku, Tokyo, 141-0033, Japan
Main contact: Kotaro Miyata
Phone: +81 3 6629 0175
Website: shi-mh.co.jp

T Parker Host

Address: 150 West Main Street, Suite 1600 16th floor, Norfolk, Virginia, 23510
Main contact: Steve Clark
Phone: 1-757-627-6286
Email: marketing@tparkerhost.com
Website: www.tparkerhost.com

Tata Steel Europe

Address: Tata Steel Ijmuiden BV, Wenckebachstraat 1, 1951 JZ, Velsen-Noord, Netherlands
>Main contact: Ashok Kanathur
Phone: +0251 499111
Website: www.tatasteel.com/www.tatasteeleurope.com

Tenova HYL

Address: Av. Munich 101, Col. Cuauhtémoc CP:66450 San Nicolás, N.L. México
Main contact: Leonardo Tamez
Telephone: +52 8188652863
Email: hyl@tenova.com
Website: www.tenova.com www.energiron.com

The Cooper Group

Address: 3118 N Royal St #1100, Mobile, AL 36602, United States
Main contact: Matt Powell
Phone: 1-251-431-6100
Website: thecoopergroup.com

UHT – Uvån Hagfors Teknologi AB

Address: Kistag 2, SE-16440 Kista/Stockholm, Sweden
Main contact: Mr Christoffer Lundström
Telephone: +46 73 2752336
Website: www.uht.se

United Cast Bar (UK) Ltd.

Address: Spital Lane, Chesterfield Derbyshire, S41 0EX, United Kingdom
Main contact: Svenja Montag, James Brand
Telephone: +49 6241 972422
Email: info@unitedcastbar.com
Website: www.unitedcastbar.com

United States Steel Corporation

Address:600 Grant Street, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15219
Main contact: Tim Mabbett
Telephone: +1 412 925 2851
Website: www.ussteel.com/


Address: Avenida das Américas 700 – Bloco 8 – Loja 318, Barra da Tijuca,
CEP: 22.640-100, Rio de Janeiro – RJ, Brazil
Main contact: Leandro Dijon
Telephone: +971 509 508 120
Website: www.vale.com

Afonso Paulino

Former president of Siderpa - Siderurgica Paulino, former Vice President of Sindifer and former Vice Chairman of the International Pig Iron Association

Chris Barrington

Former Secretary General and retiring Chief Advisor of IIMA

Chris Moore

Retired Managing Director of DK Recycling and former President of the International Pig Iron Association

Fite Hempel

Managing Director of FW Hempel & Co., Erze und Metalle and former chairman of International Pig Iron Association

Frank Griscom

Former Executive Director of the Hot Briquetted Iron Association and first Secretary General of IIMA

Gerhard Fritsch

Retired from Siemens VAI (now Primetals Technologies Austria) where he was Vice President Direct & Smelting Reduction

Jeremy Jones

President of Citrix LLC and expert in EAF steelmaking

Joe Poveromo

Retired from Quebec Cartier Mining, now president of Raw Materials & Ironmaking Consulting

Ralph Smailer

Retired chairman of Metserv and former Executive Director of the Hot Briquetted Iron Association

Robert Hunter

Former Marketing and Applications of Iron Products, Midrex

Robert Mazurak

Retired from Cleveland Cliffs and now President of Mazurak Consulting
See Robert E. Mazurak on LinkedIn

Stuart Horner

Formerly Managing Director of Hempel Metals UK, then second Secretary General of IIMA

Tom Scarnati

Retired from Tenova HyL where he was Manager Marketing & Sales, Metal Division

Yuri Mishin

Retired from Metalloinvest, former Vice Chairman of IIMA. Now Vice president, Corporation of ferrous metals producers, Russia.

Advanced Metal Industries Cluster Co (AMIC_

Address: Sari St., Ar Rabwah Dist., P.O.Box 13586,Jeddah 21414, Saudi Arabia
Main contact: Ali Gumgumji
Phone: +966 531410049
Website: www.Tasnee.com

Afonso Paulino

Former president of Siderpa - Siderurgica Paulino, former Vice President of Sindifer and former Vice Chairman of the International Pig Iron Association

Alfa Commodities Ltd

Address: Alfa Commodities Ltd, 13-14 Cork Street, London, W1S 3NS, UK
Main contact: Peter Allan
Telephone: +44 207 403 4908
Website: www.alfacommodities.com/

Alpha MET AG

Address: Aeschenvorstadt 55, CH-4051 Basel
Main contact: Ralph Behet
Telephone: +41 79 540 66 07
Email: info@alpha-met.ch
Website: www.alpha-met.ch

AMCI Marketing & Trading Pte. Ltd

Address: Seestrasse 17, ZH-6300 Zug, Switzerland
Main contact: Stephan Herzig
Telephone: +41 41 768 42 42

Anglo American PLC

Address: 20 Carlton House Terrace, London SW1Y 5AN
Main contact: Augusto Lessa
Telephone: +44 20 7968 8888
Website: www.angloamerican.com
Contact: Website/Contact Us

Antara Steel Mills Sdn. Bhd.

Address: Ranca-Ranca Industrial EstateTown, PO Box 8155, Labuan, Malaysia.
Main contact: Dominic Lu
Telephone: +60 87 593920
Email: admin@antarahbi.com
Website: www.lion.com.my

ArcelorMittal Kryviy Rih

Address: 20, Velyka Zhytomyrska str., Business-center “Panorama” 01001, Kyiv, Ukraine
Main contact: Vera Muza
Telephone: +38 044 321 03 21
Website: www.ukraine.arcelormittal.com

Aumund Fördertechnik GmbH

Address: Saalhofferstrasse 17, 47495 Rheinberg, Germany
Main contact: Frank Reddemann
Telephone: +49 2843 72-449
Website: www.aumund.com

Aveks AS

Address: Eskiyapanlar Plaza 6, Mehmet Ongul Sk. 1/1, 34742 Kozyatagi/Istanbul, Turkey
Main contact: Vecdi Yildiz
Telephone: +90 216 410 0060
Email: trade@aveks.com
Website: www.aveks.com

AVG Siderurgia

Address: Rua Ministro Orozimbo Nonato, 102 -Torre, CEP: 34000-000, Nova Lima / MG, Brazil
Main contact: Silvio Moreira
Telephone: +39 031 871 514
Website: www.avg.com.br


Address: Kingsfordweg 151, 1043 GR Amsterdam, the Netherlands
Main contact: Renard Chaigneau
Telephone: +31 20 4919892
Website: www.baffinland.com

BHP Billiton Iron Ore

Address: 125 St Georges Tce, Perth WA 6000 Australia
Main contact: Tina Leung
Telephone: +61 8 6321 5370
Website: www.bhpbilliton.com

BlackRock Metals

Address: 1080, Côte du Beaver Hall, bureau 1606, Montréal (Québec) H2Z 1S8, Canada
Main contact: Sean Cleary
Telephone: +1 514 316-7281
Email: info@blackrockmetals.com
Website: www.blackrockmetals.com

Bluescope Recycling and Materials

Address: 7300 State Hwy, 109 Delta, Ohio 43515, USA
Main contact: Kevin Towne
Telephone: +1 567 287 6032
Email: info@bluescoperecycling.com
Website: www.bluescoperecycling.com

Burdin Triano S.L.

Address: Gran Vía 81 3º Dpto. 48011 Bilbao, Bizkaia – Spain
Main contact: Txema Gazpio
Phone: +34 609 408730
Email: triano@burdintriano.com

Carbones Holding GmbH

Address: Austria, 1040 Vienna, Mattiellistraße 2-4
Main contact: Jurriaan Hovis
Telephone: +43 1 52350100
Website: www.carbones.at

Cargill International Trading Pte. Ltd.

Address: 138 Market Street #17-01, CapitaGreen, Singapore 048946
Main contact: Marcela Gotelip
Telephone: +33 613 997716
Website: Cargill's Metals Business | Cargill

CBF Indústria e Gusa S/A

Address: Avenida Afondo Pena no. 4.100 - 10 andar, Bairro Cruxeiro, Belo Horizonte/MG, CEP 30130-009, Brazil
Main Contact: Silvia Nascimento
Telephone: +55 31 3228 2500
Website: grupoferroeste.com


Address: 450 Corporate Parkway, Suite 100, Amherst, NY 14226
Main contact: Jon Conta
Telephone: +716-446-8875
Email: sales@ccmallc.com
Website: www.ccmallc.com

Champion Iron

Address: 1100 Rene-Levesque Ouest Suite 610 Montreal, Quebe, H3B 0G3, Canada
Main contact: Marta Ruivo Pedicelli
Telephone: +514 316 4858
Email: info@championironmines.com
Website: www.championiron.com

Chris Barrington

Former Secretary General and retiring Chief Advisor of IIMA

Chris Moore

Retired Managing Director of DK Recycling and former President of the International Pig Iron Association


Address: Ruselokkveien 14, 0251 Oslo, Norway
Main contact: Joel Morales
Telephone: +47 90 90 00 01
Email: https://ciclo.no/contact-us/
Website: https://www.ciclo.no

Colakoğlu Metalurji A.Ş.

Address: Rüzgarlıbahçe Mahallesi Kavak Sokak No:16 Kat:6, 34805 Kavacık – Beykoz, Istanbul, Turkey
Main contact: Mr. Ahmet Işık Kunt
Telephone: +90 216 681 26 00
Website: www.colakoglu.com.tr

Comet Trading SA

Address: Rue de Rhone 100, 1204 Geneva, Switzerland
Main contact: Tom Elford
Telephone: +41 22 7321111
Email: info@comet-trading.com
Website: www.comet-trading.com

Consolidated Mill Supply

Address: 1530 E. Dundee Road, Suite 200, Palatine, IL 60074
Main contact: Mark Kaplan
Telephone: +1 847 908 6700
Website: www.consolidatedmillsupply.com

Cosimat Siderúrgica de Matozinhos Ltda

Address: Av. André Favalelli, 986 Estação, Matozinhos, Minas Gerais, Brasil – CEP: 35.720-000
Main contact: Urbano Ferraz
Telephone: +55 31 37127002
Email: cosimat@cosimat.com.br
Website: www.cosimat.com.br

CWP Global

Address: 9 Raffles Place, #26-01, Republic Plaza, Singapore, 048619
Main Contact: Bobby Pecotic
Website: https://cwp.global/

Daiichi Chuo Kisen Kaisha

Address: Mita Kokusai Building 25F, 4-28, Mita 1-chome, Minato-ku, Tokyo, Japan 108-0073
Main contact: Go Tanaka
Telephone: +81 3 6436 7260
Email: dcpga@mail.firstship.co.jp
Website: www.firstship.co.jp

Danieli & C. Officine Meccaniche S.p.A.

Address: Via Nazionale 41,33042 Buttrio (Udine) – Italy
Main Contact: Dario Pauluzzi
Telephone: Direct +39 0432 195 8316
Email: info.dcmt@danieli.com
Website: www.danieli.com www.energiron.com


Address: Deacero SA de CV
Main contact: Lauro Cobas
Telephone: 361 215 9176
Website: www.deacero.com


Diproinduca Canada Limited
Address: 9140 Leslie Street, Suite 404. Richmond Hill, Ontario - Canada
Main contact: Miguel Riera
Telephone: +1 905 709 6275
Email: info@diproinduca.com
Website: www.diproinduca.com

Diproinduca Europe S.L.
Address: Calle Pinar 7. Madrid, 28006. España
Main contact: Gerardo Ferreira
Telephone: +34 628 26 11 03
Email: info@diproinduca.com
Website: www.diproinduca.com

Duferco SA

Address: Via Bagutti, 9, 6900 Lugano, Switzerland
Main contact: Dmytro Lasikov
Telephone: +41 918 225892
Email: info@dith.com
Website: www.dith.com


Address: 6400 Lookout Road, #200 Boulder, Colorado 80301
Main contact: Kathryn Lovell
Telephone: +1 650 387-4085
Email: info@electra.earth
Website: www.electra.earth

Elementus Minerals LLC

Address: 2400 East Commercial Boulevard, Suite 810, Fort Lauderdale, Florida, 33308, USA
Main contact: Chris Young
Telephone: +1 615 3479823
Website: https://www.elementusminerals.com/

Eramet Titanium & Iron AS

Address: Naustbakke 1, 5770 Tyssedal, Norway
Main contact: Jean Toulorge
Email: salespigiron@eramet.com
Telephone: +33 (0)1 45 38 38 00
Website: www.eramet.com/en/eramet-titanium-iron-pioneer-metallurgy-norway


Address: Via Per Rogeno, 23845 Costa Masnaga
Main contact: Fabrizio Serra
Telephone: +39 031 871 514
Website: www.eusider.com

Faith Metal

Address: No. 279, Yisin St., East Dist., Taichung City, 40149, Taiwan, R.O.C.
Main contacts: Dennis Chiu / Lily Hsu
Telephone: +886 4 22110923
Email: faith.metal@faith-metal.com
Website: www.faith-metal.com

Farmetal SA

Address: Via F. Pelli 13B, 6900 Lugano, Switzerland
Main contact: Roberto Paccagnin
Telephone: +41 91 910 47 90
Email: info@farmetal.com
Website: www.farmetal.com

Ferron Trading FZCO

Address: E301, 1 East, Dubai Airport Freezone, Dubai, United Arab Emirates
Main contact: Ivan Mitrofanov
Telephone: +971 54 727 96 54
Email: info@ferron.ae
Website: www.ferron.ae

Ferrus Sp. z o.o.

Address: Mszanska 33, 04-847 Warsaw
Main contact: Agata Grzybowska
Telephone: +48 22 512 04 13
Email: purchase@ferrus.pl
Website: www.ferrus.pl

Fite Hempel

Managing Director of FW Hempel & Co., Erze und Metalle and former chairman of International Pig Iron Association

Frank Griscom

Former Executive Director of the Hot Briquetted Iron Association and first Secretary General of IIMA

Gelf Siderurgia S/A

Address: Rodovia BR 040 km 465 – Bairro Barreiro – Sete Lagoas, Minas Gerais, Brazil – CEP: 35.701-970
Main contact: Evandro Moura
Telephone: +55 31 3779 4209
Email: contato@gelfsid.com.br
Website: http://www.gelfsid.com.br

Gerhard Fritsch

Retired from Siemens VAI (now Primetals Technologies Austria) where he was Vice President Direct & Smelting Reduction

Hargreaves Raw Material Services GmbH

Address: Böningerstr. 29, D-47051 Duisburg
Main contacts: Carsten Wilms
Telephone: +49 (0)203 417 924 34 / +49 (0)172 202 00 88
Email: info@hargreavesservices.de
Website: http://www.hargreavesservices.eu/

Hickman, Williams & Company

Address: 250 E 5th Street, Ste 300, Cincinnati, Ohio 45202-4198
Main Contact: Jeremy McLimans
Phone: +1 423-208-5468
Email: www.hicwilco.com/contact-us
Website: www.hicwilco.com

Hierros Servando Fernández S.L.

Address: 20600 Eibar (Spain)
Main contact: Aitor Fernandez
Telephone: +34 943 174759
Email: administracion@hservando.com
Website: www.hierros-servando.com

Hybrit Development AB

Address: Box 70359 107 24 Stockholm, Sweden
Main Contact: Volker Schollmann
Telephone: +46 702 509 538
Email: info@hybritdevelopment.se
Website: www.hybritdevelopment.se

Industrial Metallurgical Holding

Address: 2nd Verhny Mihailovsky Proezd 9, 3rd Flr., Moscow, 117419
Telephone: +7 495 725 56 80 (ext.156)
Website: www.metholding.ru/en/

Membership frozen until further notice

International Materials Inc.

Address: 327 Plaza Real, Suite 320, Boca Raton, FL.
Main contact: Joaquin Grillo
Telephone: 561 705 0350
Website: www.imius.com


Address: Rua Paraiba - Conj. 1501, CEP 30130-143 Belo Horizonte, MG, Brazil
Main contact: Maristela Assis
Telephone: +55 31 3281 59 49
Website: www.ironminas.com.br

ITOCHU Middle East

Address: 201 The Spectrum Building, Al Qutaeyat Road, Oud Metha, Dubai, U.A.E
Main contact: Hideki Kagei
Telephone: +971 508 659388
Website: https://www.itochu.co.jp/en/about/network/middle_e...

J&F Mineração

Address: Av. Marginal Direita do Tiete, 500, CEP 05118-100, São Paulo/SP – Brazil
Main Contact: Juliana Magalhães Barbosa
Phone: +55 31 99531-3382
Email: comercial.vendas@jfmin.com.br/commercial.sales@jfmin.com.br
Website: jfmin.com.br/en/

JAK Sp. z o.o.

Address: Trakt Lubelski 38 C, 04-870 Warszawa, Poland
Main contact: Janusz Jędrzejczyk
Telephone: +48 22 612 6815
Website: jakzoo.pl

Javelin Global Commodities Services Ltd

Address: 27 Eccleston Place, London, SW1W 9NF
Main contact: Mitch Robertson
Telephone: +0207 123 5900
Email: javelincommodities.com/contact
Website: javelincommodities.com

Jeremy Jones

President of Citrix LLC and expert in EAF steelmaking

JFE Steel Corporation

Address: 2-2-3, Uchisaiwai-cho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 100-0011, Japan
Main contact: Tomoo Kobayashi
Telephone: +81-3-3597-3666
Website: www.jfe-steel.co.jp

Joe Poveromo

Retired from Quebec Cartier Mining, now president of Raw Materials & Ironmaking Consulting

Kaepos Raw Material Services e.K.

Address: Holbeinstrasse 40, 50226, Frechen, Germany
Main contact: Rolf Emunds
Telephone: +49 157 30 75 24 20
Website: www.kaepos.de

Kawasaki Kisen Kaisha Ltd

Kawasaki Kisen Kaisha Ltd
Main contact: Yohei Kojima
Address: Iino Building, 1-1 Uchisaiwaicho 2-Chome, Chiyoda-Ku, Tokyo, 100-8540, Japan
Telephone: +81 3 3595 5000
Email: kljtyobwht@jp.kline.com
Website: www.kline.co.jp


Address: Rua Cel. João Notini 993, Divinópolis, MG, Brazil - ZIP Code: 35.500-017
Main contacts: João Paulo Fragoso / Breno Faria
Telephone: +55 37 3222-5670
Website: www.kentron.com.br

Kobe Steel Ltd.

Address: Iron Unit Division, 9-12 Kita Shinagawa 5-chome, Shinagawa-ku, Tokyo 141-8688 Japan
Main contact: Yasushi Yamada
Telephone: +81 3 5739 6635
Website: www.kobelco.co.jp

Koch Minerals & Trading, LLC

Address: 4111 E 37th St North, Wichita, KS 67220, USA
Main contact: Jackson Wilcox
Telephone: +1 (316) 247-9815
Email: metallics@kochind.com
Website: www.kochind.com/companies/koch-minerals-trading

Macsteel International Far East Limited

Address: Suites 1917-41, Sun Hung Kai Centre, 30 Harbour Road, Wanchai, Hong Kong
Main contact: Kash Vazirani
Telephone: +852 6388 4708
Email: mife-metallics@mitgr.com
Website: www.macsteelinternational.com/

Marine Inspection, LLC

Address: 621 North Carrollton Avenue, New Orleans, Louisiana, LA 70119, USA
Main contact: Gilbert Wright
Telephone: +1 504 866-0014
Email: milpartners@marineinspection.com
Website: www.marineinspection.com

Marmara Metal Mamulleri TIC.A.S

Address: Cumhuriyet Mah. 2253 Sok. Marmara Plaza No: 13, 41400 Gebze-Kocaeli, TURKEY
Main contact: Mr Huseyin
Telephone: +90 262 654 2323
Website: www.marmarametal.com
Email: marmara@marmarametal.com

Marubeni Corporation

Address: 4-2, Ohtemachi 1-Chome, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo, 100-8088, Japan
Main contact: Naotake Tsubura
Telephone: +81-3-3282-2798
Email: Marubeni contact form
Website: www.marubeni.com

Maschinenfabrik Köppern GmbH & Co. KG

Address: Königsteiner Str. 2, 45529 Hattingen, Germany
Main contact: Christopher Schäfer, Stefan Bremer, Oliver Fischer
Telephone: +49 2324 207 312
Email: info@koeppern.de
Website: http://www.koeppern.com

Mercury Resources LLC

Address: 12161 Mercado Drive, Suite 206, Venice, Florida, 34293
Main contact: Anton Posner
Telephone: +516-909-7465
Email: contactus@mercuryresources.com
Website: www.mercuryresources.com

Metall und Ferrolegierungs GmbH

Address: Rudolf-Diesel-Str. 9, D 40670 Meerbusch, Germany
Main contact: Thomas Hafner
Telephone: +49 2159 6963 0
Website: www.mfg-germany.com

Metinvest Holding, LLC

Address: 116-A, Nakhimova av., Mariupol 87534 Ukraine
Main contact: Elena Dimitrova
Telephone: +38 062 385 70 86
Email: metinvest@metinvestholding.com
Website: www.metinvestholding.com

Midrex Technologies Inc.

Address: 3735 Glen Lake Drive, #400 Charlotte, NC 28208, USA
Main contact name: Lauren Lorraine
Telephone: +1 704 373-1600
Email: info@midrex.com
Website: www.midrex.com

Minas Metais Exportadora S/A

Address: Rua: Fernandes Tourinho, 147 - Salas 701/2, Funcionários - Belo Horizonte/MG - Brasil, CEP.: 30.112-000
Contact: Sandoval de Castro Silva
Telephone: +55 (31) 3281-5855

Email: mmetais@mmetais.com.br
Website: www.mmetais.com.br

Mitsubishi Corporation

Address: 3-1, Marunouchi 2-chome, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo, 100-8086, Japan
Main Contact: Seitaro Takarabe
Telephone: +81-3-3210-2121
Website: https://www.mitsubishicorp.com/jp/en/

Mitsui & Co., Ltd.

Address: 2-1, Otemachi 1-Chome, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 100-8631, Japan
Main Contact: Shuichiro Tsuchikawa
Telephone: +81-3-3285-1111
Email: tkiod@dg.mitsui.com
Website: https://www.mitsui.com/

MOL Europe Africa

Address: 3 Thomas More Square, London, E1W 1WY
Main contact: Almaher Shelley
Telephone: +44 203 7648000
Email: dry.london@molgroup.net
Website: www.mol.co.jp/en

National Material Trading

Address: 1965 Pratt Boulevard Elk Grove Village, IL 60007
Main contact: Tim Hogan
Telephone: +1 847-806-0990
Email: nmt@nmlp.com
Website: www.nationalmaterialtrading.com

Nippon Steel North America Inc

Address: 920 Memorial City Way, Suite 700, Houston, TX 77024
Main contact: Keita Ikeda
Telephone: +1-713-654-7111
Email: https://www.nipponsteel.com/
Website: info@us.nipponsteel.com

NLMK Trading SA

Address: Riva Paradiso 2, 6902 Paradiso, Switzerland
Main contact: Pavel Rudenya, Fedir Dermentli
Telephone: +41 91 885 30 40
Website: www.nlmk.com

Membership frozen until further notice

Nu Iron Unlimited

Address: Caribbean Drive, Pt. Lisas Industrial Estate, Pt. Lisas, Trinidad & Tobago
Main contact: Nigel Noel
Telephone: +1 868-636-1944 / +1 704-943-9789
Website: www.nucor.com

NYK Line (Nippon Yusen Kaisha)

Address: 3-2, Marunouchi 2-Chome, Chiyoda-Ku, Tokyo, 100-0005, Japan
Main contact: Mr Mitsutaka Imura
Telephone: +81 3 3284-5151
Email: Inquiries | NYK Line
Website: www.nyk.com/english

Oldendorff Carriers USA INC

Address: 1 Landmark Square 17th Floor Stamford, CT 06901-2603 USA
Main contact: Paul Jeffrey
Telephone: +12034877300
Website: www.oldendorff.com

Omni Industries B.V.

Address: Wijnhaven 3Q, 3011 WG, Rotterdam, The Netherlands
Main contact: Ellert Naautgeboren
Telephone: +31 10 205 3652
Email: info@omnibv.nl
Website: www.omniindustries.nl

Orinoco Surveying Group Inc

Address: 7913 SW 148th Ave, Miami, FL 33193
Main contact: Gudiker Jugo
Telephone: +1 561 9521407

Pangaea Logistics Solutions

Address: 109 Long Wharf, Newport RI 02840, USA
Main contact: Robert Seward
Telephone: +1 401 846 7790
Email: info@pangaeals.com
Website: www.pangaeals.com


Address: Petmin Limited, 37 Peter Place, Lyme Park, Bryanston 2021, South Africa
Main contact: Palmira Farinha
Telephone: +27837041904
Website: www.petmin.co.za

Picart & Beer SA

Address: Avenue de Tervueren, 365-367, 1150 Brussels, Belgium
Main contact: Simon Beer
Telephone: +32 2 777 00 94
Email: info@picart-beer.eu
Website: www.picart-beer.com

Possehl Erzkontor GmbH & Co. KG

Address: Beckergrube 38-52, 23552 Lübeck, Germany
Main contact: Corinna Leptien
Telephone: +49 451 148 408
Email: info@erzkontor.com
Website: www.erzkontor.com

Primetals Technologies Austria GmbH

Address: Turmstrasse 44, 4031 Linz, Austria
Main contact: Christian Boehm
Telephone: +43 732 6592-5995
Website: www.primetals.com

Primetrade Inc.

Address: 11301 Carmel Commons Blvd., Suite 115, Charlotte, NC 28226
Main Contact: Walter Stenger
Phone: +1 704 541-3942
Website: www.primetradeusa.com


Address: 28. rijna 41/3138, 702 00 Ostrava, Czech Republic
Main contact: Denisa Materova
Telephone: +420 602 733631
Website: www.prometgroup.eu

Ralph Smailer

Retired chairman of Metserv and former Executive Director of the Hot Briquetted Iron Association

Richard Anton KG

Address: Wuermstrasse 55, D-82166 Graefelfing b. Munchen, Germany
Main contact: Klaus Wiesnet
Telephone: +49 89 898144 0
Email: info@richard-anton.de
Website: www.richard-anton.de

Rio Tinto

Address: 200 E. Randolph Street, Suite 7100, Chicago, IL 60601, USA
Main contact: Yujiao Zou
Telephone: +1 773 270 6500
Website: www.riotinto.com

Rio Tinto Iron Ore

Address: 6 St James’s Square, London, SW1Y 4AD, United Kingdom
Main contact: Michael Buckley
Telephone: +31 6 21242634
Website: www.riotinto.com

Robert Hunter

Former Marketing and Applications of Iron Products, Midrex

Robert Mazurak

Retired from Cleveland Cliffs and now President of Mazurak Consulting
See Robert E. Mazurak on LinkedIn

ROGESA Roheisengesellschaft Saar mbH

Address: Werkstraße 1, 66763 Dillingen, Germany
Main contact: Mr Frank Becker
Telephone: +49 (0) 6831 47 - 2320
Website: www.rogesa.de

Ronly Ltd

Address: 3rd floor, 201 Haverstock Hill,London,NW3 4QG, UK
Main contact: David Dogan Mizrahi
Telephone: +44 20 7433 0400
Website: www.ronly.com

Saint-Gobain PAM Canalisation

Company/Organisation: Saint-Gobain PAM Canalisation
Address: 21 ave Camille Cavallier, 54700 Pont-à-Mousson, France
Main contact: Neill McDonald
Phone: +33 03 83 80 67 89
Email: info.pam@saint-gobain.com
Website: www.pamline.com

Samarco Mineração S.A.

Address: Rua Paraíba 1122 - Ed Das Américas, Bairro Funcionários – Belo Horizonte, 9 andar, 30130-141, Brazil
Main contact: Rodrigo Franklin
Telephone: +55 31 3269-8888
Website: www.samarco.com

Scandinavian Steel AB

Address: Birger Jarlsgatan 15, SE-111 45 Stockholm, Sweden
Main contact: Peter Witz
Telephone: +46 8 6142850
Email: metals@scandinaviansteel.se
Website: www.scandinaviansteel.se

Sojitz Corporation of America

Address: 1120 Avenue of the Americas, New York, NY 10036, USA
Main contact: Vanessa Iturralde
Telephone: +1 212 704 6755
Website: www.sojitzamericas.com
Contact: Website/Contact Us

Steel Dynamics Inc Columbus

Address: 1945 Airport Road, PO BOX 1467, Columbus, MS 39703, USA
Main contact: Mr Sanjeev Badola
Telephone: 662-244-6744
Website: www.steeldynamics.com

Steelberry s.r.o

Address: Šustekova 49, 851 04 Bratislava, Slovakia
Main contact: Martin Chudy
Telephone: +421 907 717758
Website: www.steelberry.sk

Stemcor London Limited

Address: 1 Ropemaker Street, City Point, London EC2Y 9ST, United Kingdom
Main contact: Jonathan Hall
Telephone: +44 20 7775 3600
Email: groupenquiries@stemcor.com
Website: www.stemcor.com/

Stuart Horner

Formerly Managing Director of Hempel Metals UK, then second Secretary General of IIMA

Sumitomo Corporation

Address: Otemachi Place East Tower, 3-2 Otemachi 2-Chome, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 100-8601, Japan
Main contact: Mr. Terumasa Shiozawa
Telephone: +81-90-2632-5702
Email: ekbjz-org@sumitomocorp.com
Website: www.sumitomocorp.com

Sumitomo Heavy Industries Material Handling Systems Co. Ltd

Address: 18th Floor Osaki Garden Tower 1-1, Nishi Shinagawa 1-Chome, Shinagawa-Ku, Tokyo, 141-0033, Japan
Main contact: Kotaro Miyata
Phone: +81 3 6629 0175
Website: shi-mh.co.jp

T Parker Host

Address: 150 West Main Street, Suite 1600 16th floor, Norfolk, Virginia, 23510
Main contact: Steve Clark
Phone: 1-757-627-6286
Email: marketing@tparkerhost.com
Website: www.tparkerhost.com

Tata Steel Europe

Address: Tata Steel Ijmuiden BV, Wenckebachstraat 1, 1951 JZ, Velsen-Noord, Netherlands
>Main contact: Ashok Kanathur
Phone: +0251 499111
Website: www.tatasteel.com/www.tatasteeleurope.com

Tenova HYL

Address: Av. Munich 101, Col. Cuauhtémoc CP:66450 San Nicolás, N.L. México
Main contact: Leonardo Tamez
Telephone: +52 8188652863
Email: hyl@tenova.com
Website: www.tenova.com www.energiron.com

The Cooper Group

Address: 3118 N Royal St #1100, Mobile, AL 36602, United States
Main contact: Matt Powell
Phone: 1-251-431-6100
Website: thecoopergroup.com

The David J. Joseph Company

Address: 300 Pike Street, Cincinnati, OH 45202
Main Contact: Jim Stanton
Telephone: +1 843 790 6025
Website: www.DJJ.com
Contact: www.djj.com/contact-djj

TMS International

Address: 12 Monongahela Ave., Glassport, PA 15045 USA
Main contact: David Aronson
Telephone: 219-734-7135
Website: www.tmsinternational.com

Tom Scarnati

Retired from Tenova HyL where he was Manager Marketing & Sales, Metal Division

Tronox Mineral Sands

Address: Roger Dyson Road, Pretoria West, 0183 Pretoria, Gautenga, South Africa
Main contact: Rehan Kirsten
Telephone: +27 12 307 4292
Website: www.tronox.com
Contact: Website/Contact Us

UHT – Uvån Hagfors Teknologi AB

Address: Kistag 2, SE-16440 Kista/Stockholm, Sweden
Main contact: Mr Christoffer Lundström
Telephone: +46 73 2752336
Website: www.uht.se

United Cast Bar (UK) Ltd.

Address: Spital Lane, Chesterfield Derbyshire, S41 0EX, United Kingdom
Main contact: Svenja Montag, James Brand
Telephone: +49 6241 972422
Email: info@unitedcastbar.com
Website: www.unitedcastbar.com

United States Steel Corporation

Address:600 Grant Street, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15219
Main contact: Tim Mabbett
Telephone: +1 412 925 2851
Website: www.ussteel.com/


Address: Avenida das Américas 700 – Bloco 8 – Loja 318, Barra da Tijuca,
CEP: 22.640-100, Rio de Janeiro – RJ, Brazil
Main contact: Leandro Dijon
Telephone: +971 509 508 120
Website: www.vale.com

Vequis Comércio, Importação e Exportação Ltda

Address: Rua Juca Cesário, n.140 - Room 50, 88.304-500, São João, City of Itajai, State of Santa Catarina, Brazil
Main contact: Louisse Mussato
Phone: +55 11 2424 6850/+55 41 996 512 912 / +55 11 918 520 327
Website: https://www.vequis.com.br/


Address: Av. Bias Fortes, 382, 15o andar, Belo Horizonte – MG – CEP 30170-010
Main contacts: Paulo Roberto Martins Viana
Telephone: +55 31 3261-5777
Website: www.vetorial.ind.br

Viena Siderúrgica SA

Address: Rua Tomé de Souza 649, Bairro Funcionários, Belo Horizonte/MG – Brasil
Main contact: João Kaukal Valladares
Telephone: +55 31 21219101
Website: www.vienairon.com.br

VS Trading SA

Main contact: H. Behzat Ornek
Address: Rue Francois – Veronnnex 7, 1207, Geneva, Switzerland
Telephone: +41 022 544 2572
Email: info@vstrading.ch
Website: www.vstrading.ch

Xcoal Energy & Resources

Address: One Energy Place, Suite 9000, Latrobe, PA, 15650
Main contact: Ernie Thrasher
Telephone: +1 724-520-1630
Email: xcoal@xcoal.com
Website: www.xcoal.com

Yuri Mishin

Retired from Metalloinvest, former Vice Chairman of IIMA. Now Vice president, Corporation of ferrous metals producers, Russia.


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