A unified voice for the ore-based metallics industry


Find out more about Primetals Technologies, the first in our Meet the Member series for 2024. Discover more about their recent developments and why they are members of IIMA.

Introduction: Primetals Technologies provides metals producers with cutting-edge, custom-tailored plant equipment and services. Their latest focus areas include new ecological solutions for even greener steel production, the digitalization of all production-related processes, advanced automation as summed up by the term “Industry 4.0”, future-oriented designs for linked casting and rolling, as well as advanced process analysis and optimization

Our principle contact, Christian Böhm, is the chair of our Technical Committee, and his expertise is of great benefit to the IIMA. It was an idea formed by Christian and colleagues in the IIMA Technical Committee that has led to the launch of the multi-million-dollar safety project HBI-C-Flex involving many major companies including steel producers, plant builders, RTOs and universities via its Consortium and Support Advisory Board. Christian believes IIMA's importance lies in its role as a unifying force within the global iron metallics sector.

Please click here for the MEET THE MEMBER - PRIMETALS summary to find out more about their activity.

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